For the next piece (still a work in progress) is Edward Hyde, Dr. Jekyll's evil alter ego. Painting over and using the values from previous
painting, I roughly blocked in what I had in my head then changed the color into a more reddish hue. For the scondary lighting I looked at near the opposite of the color wheel and found a misty emerald that I like.
Normally for portraits I find 1000 pixel wide canvas is good enough to get in enough details, I never go higher than that. Since painting I keep in mind to look at the Navigation Tool which is sized extremely small. If the overall looks good in that size its worth it to bang in the details because so far your painting already has a slight guarantee that it has a direction and "going somewhere." Take control of your painting.
Details up ahead.
So I made a list of significant details I need to research on like "Screaming mouth with Fangs" and bloody lip. The up is the FX part to add energy and motion to a simple headshot.